
Month: 2020-08


bess 17:07:11
We are now preparing Sch001 Demo Day on 8/30, after Demo Day, we could invite 5 awardees of Sch001 2020 come to this channel. The 10-team-shortlist is here:


零時小學校 Demo Day 2020 入圍名單 - HackMD

十組入圍團隊將參與 08/30 的 Demo Day,上台進行最後的簡報,歡迎一般會眾報名入場!

bess 17:10:25
The summary of TW-JP-KR panel of jothon track at g0v Summit 2020 will confirm on 8/18 (Tue.), please feel free to give us some suggestion.
👍 2
mehmetoguzderin 17:12:43
@mehmetoguzderin has joined the channel
bess 17:16:54
@besslee set the channel topic: g0v jothon @ g0v Summit 2020 (EdTech & more):
bess 17:18:12
@besslee set the channel topic: SEE YOU AT TAINAN! 12/4 (Fri.) g0v jothon @ g0v Summit 2020 (EdTech & more):
ktingchen 17:18:13
@ktingchen has joined the channel
bess 17:24:17
@besslee set the channel purpose: #edu 教育主頻道
#edu-summit 揪松團 @ g0v Summit 2020 教育專門頻道
#jothon 揪松主頻道
bess 17:28:37
@besslee set the channel topic: SEE YOU AT TAINAN! 12/4 (Fri.) Tainan Art Museum: g0v jothon (EdTech & more) @ g0v Summit 2020:
bess 17:29:57
@besslee set the channel topic: SEE YOU AT TAINAN! 12/4 (Fri.) Tainan Art Museum Building 2 Performance Arts Theatre: g0v jothon (EdTech & more) @ g0v Summit 2020:
👍 1
John Huang 23:40:06
@little78926 has joined the channel


mengting 01:16:28
@mengting has joined the channel