
Month: 2020-03


SingYu 21:45:08
@hanigogoph has joined the channel
Bency 21:46:48
@bency80097 has joined the channel
Peace 21:52:33
@achemistd has joined the channel


fsh1425 09:03:44
@fsh1425 has joined the channel
SingYu 09:34:48
@hanigogoph has left the channel
reason1130 09:38:36
@reason1130 has joined the channel
Ella 10:46:26
@dhjk65493 has joined the channel
lexifdev 10:48:58
@sl has joined the channel
mario 17:20:48
@mario has joined the channel
mario 17:24:51
@mario has left the channel
risingmoon 22:17:18
@justindavidlee88 has joined the channel
risingmoon 22:30:36
I’m Justin, from Texas, USA. I am full stack with Python, Java, Javascript, Swift experience and cloud experience on AWS and Google Cloud. Nice to meet everyone.


Peace 00:24:18
@achemistd has left the channel


tyl 23:20:11
@taiyinglee has joined the channel